Asheville's Golf Headquarters (828) 274-5374

Golf Carts: Choosing the Most Practical One for Your Game

Did you know that not all golf carts are the motorized kind? In fact, there are multiple kinds of golf carts that are ideal for folks who still like to walk the course but aren’t willing or able to carry their golf bag any longer. Fortunately, you can still get in your steps on the golf course with the right golf cart to assist in carrying all of your golf equipment.

There are two common types of golf carts to choose from, but which one is right for you? Here are some considerations before you buy one for your next game:

  • Push-Style Golf Carts – Dealing with pain in the shoulders from carrying a golf bag isn’t something anyone enjoys. Push carts are perfect for a variety of folks who want to take the strain off their shoulders and have better golf cart mobility in general. You might also find that golf carts of this style offer a little bit more storage for your golf gear and accessories.
  • Pull-Style Golf Carts – If you know the aching feeling in your back as you’ve been carrying your golf bag around all day, then pull carts make portability so much easier! When pulling your golf clubs behind you, you’ll notice that you have a lot more energy for those last few holes as you travel along the golf course.

At Nevada Bob’s Golf, we are a leading provider of golf equipment in the Asheville, North Carolina area with great service, selection, and prices. Make sure to stop by to check out our golf carts and other high-quality golf products before you head to the course. We look forward to seeing you soon!